Monday, December 20, 2010


"The thrill-seekers NEVER gets bored 'cause they're too busy getting their thrills."

There is nothing worse than listening to someone complain about how boring their life is and that nothing exciting ever happens to them. It's a drain on the energy and it really makes me want to disappear from the scene - quickly!

Excitement is all around us...and if we don't notice it right away, get creative. Find ways to create excitement in your life. I was talking to my son about skydiving...I'm terrified of heights and yet, I want to explore this sport that adrenaline junkies crave. Another thing I want to do is learn archery. Bow and arrow, baby! Wow...these are things that I want to do and have added them to my bucket list.

Thrills can be found in anything, anyone, and anywhere!

Explore the possibility of living a different kind of life, even for a day. That is what possibility living is all about!

Kim Harris shares a message of possibility living principles with her audience in books, audio, and masterminds. view sourceprint?1

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