Tuesday, December 14, 2010


"Don't let the fear of not having be greater than the desire to have...you'll never experience what you want if you do"

Why do you believe that most people do not experience what they desire? You guessed it! Fear. The fear is so strong that it keeps them from what they truly want to experience. Unfortunately, unless they uncover the source of that fear, they will never have those things they most desire to have.

I remember when I lost my home to foreclosure. Yes, this happened, for real! I was devastated. But, when I look back at the experience, I realized that my lost was not solely by coincidence, it was propelled into motion because of my fear. My fear was so strong --- much stronger than my desire to keep my home -- that the result was the lost of my home.

You see, the very thing that I feared would happen, happened. Consciously, I didn't want that to happen, but my subconscious fear was much stronger and over-ruled the situation.

Take this example and use it in your everyday life. What is it that you consciously want to accomplish, experience, or achieve? Do you really believe that you can? Do you notice any level of uncomfortable feelings when you state your desire to experience something? Notice it...because that is your subconscious giving you a signal that there is a block within you that will keep you from having what you want.

When we uncover these internal blockers or fears, they no longer have power to keep us from what we want...we then become free to achieve our goals.

Find within yourself the courage to look at what is keeping you "stuck"...is it the fear of a secure paycheck? is it the attachment to the "stuff"? is it the feeling of inadequacy? Whatever it is --- acknowledge it and then dismantle it from within, and begin to live what you choose.

Kim Harris is a Possibility Living Coach, Author, and Talkshow Host of "Possibility Living w/Kim". She shares possibility living principles with clients to help overcome obstacles and live a life of purpose and power. view sourceprint?1

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