Thursday, December 23, 2010

TEST & TRIALS: Passing or Failing in Life

"The difference between a test and a trial is as simple as a pass or fail."

We all experience ups and downs in our lives. They are reminders of the greatness that we have to prepare for; may not seem like it at the time, but it's true. When we are faced with a test in life, we are being confronted with what is familiar but disguised. When we are faced with trials, the entire experience is unknown and new to us. The tests are there to see if we have learned the lessons. I once heard a saying that struck true within me --- it says, "when you pass the test you don't need the experience." How true, how true!

We are constantly surrounded by experiences that inspire learning, whether we are resistant of not. The thing to remember is that when we are faced with a challenge that seems familiar, we are being tested. What is the answer to the test question? Did you get it this time around? If you are repeating this test, then no, you didn't get it...

On the other hand, if you are faced with a challenge that you have never experienced, then this is something new to you and will stretch you to grow in areas you need to in order to fulfill your life's purpose. These are the tougher of the two, because it forces you to see things within yourself that are sometimes not so appealing. And, as tough as it is to face, we still choose to look away and bypass the lesson. The downside to that is, you will face this again, in a test.

Get the lesson, pass the test and move on to next. Easier said than done, right? Well, here is the upside to going through these tests and trials: you grow! Yeah, I know...growing is not can be a real pain, literally. But, think of it this way...if you're not growing, then you're stuck. Who wants to be stuck? Not me! I will grow through the pain at all cost to not experience being stuck.

Just like any test, you must be a diligent student and delve into the materials to get a passing grade. No different in life. The clues are there, tap into your higher self and seek the answers so that you can pass and move on to next. There are never periods in our lives when we are not given the answers to the questions of life. We just have to understand our part in taking time to study and ask the right question at the right time.

So, are you in the middle of a test or are you being presented with a new trial? Or, are you simply on a "break" from life...that could be fun - so enjoy it while it lasts.

Kim Harris is a possibility living coach, helping clients learn and use possibility living principles to live life with purpose and power. view sourceprint?1

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