Monday, December 13, 2010


"The first step to experiencing something is expecting to experience something."

We have all heard the old cliche "expect great things to happen...and great things will happen!" Well, my Kim-ism is conveying the same message - expectation.

Expectation is waiting for something to come about, to manifest. In your mind you already see it as your reality. Think about the moments when you were experiencing great expectation and fully experienced what you were expecting. Wasn't it exhilarating? I know it was --- I have had those moments, too.

Expectation is the wonderous after effect of fully anticipating what you have internally conjured about whatever idea or ideal you have imagined. Imagine that! Imagining something brings with it the expectation of that thing. Now, as all things in the Universe are balanced, there is a flip side to this...what works for good, also works for bad. So, be careful what you conjure as your ideal - your level of expectation will take a turn for the worse and there are no benefits, only results of fear and dread.

Keep the level of expectation high by creating visions that are filled with positivity.

When someone asks you what you expect on any given subject, state it positively -- "I expect it to be a wonderful outcome." "I expect that I will do my absolute best and succeed." "I expect that the experience will be one of growth."

All of these dictate an outcome of positivity --- that is what we should expect in any experience. Start expecting to experience something great...all the time!


Kim Harris is an author/speaker/talkshow host for Possbility Living w/Kim and shares possbility living principles for personal development and enrichment. view sourceprint?1

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