Thursday, January 13, 2011


"I AM is the conduit through which the power of God is channeled through us. "

I am the conduit of God's Divine idea...imagine that! If we all thought and believe ourselves to be an expression of a single idea that God sat down and conjured up, what an imagination He has. The fact that He thought us up and then expanded that idea into what we call our lives, is fascinating to me. It would then suggest that each day that I live and express in whatever way I choose to express is a part of that Divine idea. When I don't fully express, or I suppress my greatness then I insult God's power. This is the power that He transmutted to us, each of his ideas. His power is profoundly announced in the statement of I AM whenever we declare what is 'I AM'.

This may seem too metaphysical for most, but, when you come to the realization of what the truth of our existence is, there will be little or no resistance to the concept that when we are truly dependent on the I AM for true expression, life will become filled with everything that is the nature of the I AM, the God that dwells within us.

Imagine if you will for just a moment, that all that you desire or ever wanted to truly expressed with freedom, love, flexibility, generosity, and with ease werer the idea of God trying to express His Power, Himself in this world through you. How privileged that would you feel for that opportunity? How intent you would be to allow its full expression?

There is so much that we need to reconnect with in the truth of who we are --- and once we do, we will experience and FEEL our real power. The real power of the real love that lives within us and would deny us nothing that would be for our highest good and the good of others.

Kim Harris is a life coach that shares the possibility living principles for living a life of purpose and power. view sourceprint?1

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